Sunday, June 19, 2011

Random Pics

Here are a few that missed the regular updates...

Chuquicamata open pit coal mine near Calama, Chile.  The world´s biggest open-pit mine.  It is about as deep as the grand canyon and a few miles across.  Those tiny little dots on the bottom are actually giant Caterpillar trucks.

Hard to grasp the scale here... each of those terraces is between 30 and 80 feet high.  You can just barely make out the construction traffic if you look hard.

Peruvian burger chain, Cuzco, Peru.  Lots of really interesting flavors.

Overwhelming gas station signage, Atacama Desert, Chile.  5 star bathrooms, see-saws, food, indigenous pottery, and they even have a blank box in case they need one more!

McColloso sounds more impressive than ¨waffle cone¨.  Santiago, Chile.

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