Saturday, May 7, 2011

Jungle life

Signs you are really far from home:

The bathroom doesn´t have toilet paper, a toilet seat, or soap, but does have two chickens.

People wash their cars in rivers.

A ¨gas station¨ is a tarp shed where a child pours gasoline out of a plastic can..

There´s no traffic, but there are waterfalls, rock slides and river crossings to worry about.

Air conditioning means fans.  Real AC?  Ha.

You laugh every time you see a sign for high speed internet.   Ha.

When you use the internet cafe, you get this message:
Upgrade to a modern browser such as Google ChromeFirefoxSafari, or Internet Explorer 8.
I didn´t realize Internet Explorer 5 wasn´t ¨modern?¨  What is it, pre-industrial or something?

A taxi is the back seat of a motorcycle.

A taxi ride costs less than a can of Coke.

Lunch costs less than a can of Coke.

You want ice with your Coke, but the ice might kill you.

No shirt, no shoes, no service seems like an absurd American invention.

America seems like some fantasy world on TV.  People really live like that?

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